By default, docker-compose create a default network prefixed with the parent folder name to connect all the services specified in docker-compose.yml. However if you have a development of more than 1 docker-compose, specifying networks name like this allow you to join it from the other docker-compose.yml files.

Docker 1.13 introduces a long-awaited feature called Compose-file support. Compose-file defines everything about an application - services, databases, volumes, networks, and dependencies can all be defined in one place. In this blog, we’ll show you how to use Compose-file to simplify the Docker deployment of MySQL containers.

The Docker Compose file next sets up a link to the db service so that the psiturk-example container can talk to the MySQL database. We will come back to this below, because we will need to modify the config.txt file in psiTurk so that it uses this database. But let’s first finish exploring the docker-compose.yml file.

I have the following docker-compose file and getting this error, The Compose file './docker-compose.yml' is invalid because: Unsupported config option docker-compose.yml: version: "3".

Ist das OK? Weiterhin wird mir als Version bei dem Aufruf von „docker-compose version“ das hier ausgegeben: docker-compose version 1.23.2 Mich wundert das, da ich oft etwas von „Version 3“ lese und mein Docker gerade heute ganz neu auf Windows installiert wurde. Und wie verhält sich das mit mehreren docker-compose.yaml-Dateien?

In my previous article on Docker Compose, I showed how to build a two-container application using a MySQL container and a Ghost container using official Docker hub images. In part two of this Docker Compose series, I will look at a few Docker Compose commands to manage the application, and I will introduce Docker Volumes [].

docker-compose up -d Der Befehl lädt die Images herunter, startet die Container und richtet Datenbank- und Nextcloud-Container entsprechend den Vorgaben aus docker-compose.yml ein.

MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: secret MYSQL_DATABASE: ado MYSQL_USER: ado MYSQL_PASSWORD: secret I’m not 100% sure why, but after deleting MySQL’s data in./mysql/data, doing docker-compose down and then docker-compose up -d again and install php-mysqli with docker-php-ext-install mysqli inside the PHP service, everything worked.

ERROR:The Compose file './docker-compose.yml' is invalid because: Unsupported config option for services.mydb: 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD' services.mydb.environment contains an invalid type, it should be an object, or an array 👍.

Docker ERROR: mysqld failed while attempting to check config. 因为对docker命令行规则不熟悉,踩了一个巨坑!!! 下面我来说一下具体情况,看看是不是你们也一不小心掉坑里了呢~ 昨天新clone一个虚拟机,打算学习Docker下配置mysql的基本操作,于是开始正常流程.